Friday, December 11, 2015

Face Plate Design (Final Concept)

After a bit of thought, I decided to use the concept for the face plate of my robot that I drew a little while back, mainly because it's the only skull concept that I feel works for the bot. I also got to actually coloring it using Sketchbook's gradients. I may have to switch to Photoshop at some point though, as the gradient function won't work properly on some parts of the face plate. I might also redo the entire face in Photoshop depending on whether or not it looks sloppy. Here is what I have now.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Skulls are fun...

Today I worked more on trying to draw a skull (I'm kinda disappointed with the one I drew) as well as giving the robot's face plate a second try (which, being skull based, came out better than I thought). The face plate is only a rough sketch and I'm not entirely sure I'm gonna end up using it, but it's here anyway.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Backplate for Robot

Got to mirroring the chestplate and emptying it out, and added some detail to the back. I feel like something is missing, but I'm not quite sure what. I'll get to looking at reference images so I can figure that out.

Chestplate for Robot

Before thanksgiving break I started working on the body of the robot since I'm still having some trouble making the actual head. I decided to work on the body one piece at a time and ended up with this.

Unless I come up with something better, I think I'll be using this to make the chestplate (and the shoulders, apparently) of the robot I'll be making. I'll also likely just erase the details on the inside of the chestplate, leaving only the outline and things that will be mirrored on the back of the robot.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Multi Point Projects

I worked a bit more in Sketchbook. Instead of working on something I had already did, I worked some more in the different perspective settings. Here are the things I ended up making.

I decided to include the images with guidelines since the final results seemed a bit boring.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

More Progress

Not too much to say here, basically colored the mask I drew two classes ago. I also drew a skull in SketchBook since I currently don't have a way to scan my work for my major project. The skull didn't come out the way I wanted it to either, so I colored it blue since I thought it kinda looked like an alien head (from AVP). Here are both of said works.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I need to post here more often...

I haven't posted at all last week because I was on Fall Break, but the week before last I didn't post much either. I also didn't post anything on Monday....

Anyway, this week I have worked on both a app idea project (which I will not be showing until I present it) and working with another program: Autodesk Sketchbook. To get used to the program, I did a bit of messing around with the tools. This is what I did.

Not exactly top tier work, but it helped me understand the tools in the program a bit