Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Haunted House!

Sorry to keep you waiting, but I have finally started my work on the haunted house! So far it doesn't look like much, but i have broken one of the windows and put the house into a lightning storm background. I have also removed the left side of the house because of the trouble the tree in the image would give me otherwise. Anyways here is what it looks like so far.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Top 5 Choices For Haunted House

I spent a little time looking for houses to use for the haunted house project and i found a few possible choices. The houses are in order from most favorite to least.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Spider-Doo Postponed

Unfortunately, i don't have the time to continue my Spider-Doo image in my computer graphics class due to the fact that we have to move on to a haunted house project. However, i do have some good pictures for haunted houses for the project.

This does not mean i will not finish the Spider-Doo project, only that i dont have time as of right now, but it will be finished in the future.