Friday, November 30, 2012

O.P.P Room Continued

Today I had to add a door and a window to the room i created yesterday, using the line tool of course. Doing so made the room look more like a room than a bunch of random lines in Photoshop, so I am glad we did that today. Here is what I've added to the room.

In case you were wondering, the red lines are lines I used to help guide the creation of the door and window, as well as for the dimensions of the room.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

More One Point Perspective Practice

I did a little more practice on One Point Perspective (which from now on I am calling O.P.P), and using what I practiced, I made a 2-D room in Photoshop.

Don't worry, I am still going to finish the haunted house, I actually had some time to do it after i was done with this.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Vanishing Point

Just a little practice finding the vanishing point of a photo. To help do so, I used the line tool to highlight the lines in the photo that all went into one spot. After doing that I used the ellipse tool to highlight the area where all of the lines intersected. The horizontal blue lines are lines that help define the points in the photo where things are creating straight lines.
I am going to continue the haunted house, i was just instructed to do this before continuing.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Slightly More Haunted Haunted House

I have officially decided to desaturate the house so i can make it look older (mentioned last post), and i have added a few scratches and crackles to the roof, other than that, nothing is really different. Here is a picture of what i HAVE done though.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Continueing the Haunted House

I have returned to the haunted house, and now i am working on making the roof look a little older. I think i may have to eventually use the Hue/Saturation tool to de-saturate the roof but right now i am just adding to it crackles from one of the images i have saved. Anyway here is what I've got.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fievel GIF Final

I finished the GIF for my mouse (who's name turned out to be Fievel)! I had to use the multiply setting to help figure out the placement of the Fievels, but it's finished, so please enjoy the Fievel GIF I made.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Working on another project along with my haunted house. It is a walking mouse gif, and it is a little bit time consuming. I have only cut out pieces of what i am going to use, but here is what I've got.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Haunted House part 2

So far on the haunted house project i have broken a few windows, boarded up a window, and made the archway look older. I did this by using broken window pictures and cutting out the broken part, as well as using the multiply setting on the archway while a scratch box or crackle box was above it. On the boarded window, I used the inner shadow setting to make the wooden planks look as if they were inside of the window, and desaturated them to make them look older.