Thursday, December 20, 2012


Got bored today, so I just made a background using the gradient tool, filter > distort > wave, and a lot of layers. I also used the hue/saturation tool to add color to the picture. This is what the background looks like.

Not much else to say.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Finished Sphere

This time around there wasn't much to do. All I had to do was adjust the shadow so it matched the sphere better, added an ambient shadow, and add a small highlight to the sphere. I also added some white to the edge of the sphere and blended it in to make the sphere seem a bit more realistic. Aside from those minor adjustments, not too much has changed, but here is a picture of the finished sphere so you can see it for yourself.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Another Sphere

Yes , you read right, another sphere. However this one is in black and white instead of shades of red. I like this one better because it is easier to see what areas need better shading or lighting when it's in black and white. Anyways, here is the sphere.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Right now I am working on making a sphere in Photoshop, and so far it seems to be going well so far. Not much else to say XD.

I still need to shade the bottom better but it's good so far.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Random Paint Job

Remember when I said I had screwed around with the paint brushes last post? Well this is actually one of my random paintings using the brush tool,  made easy by the fact that there is a grass brush tool that makes grass according to the two colors you have in your hotbar (green and white in this case). The clouds i just used a white paint brush with a low flow level and low opacity level. Simple enough.


On Thursday the class was assigned with getting used to the paint tools and settings since we would be using them soon, so I started screwing around with them (some were actually pretty cool). Afterwards we were told to use the paint tool to blend three colors. This is what I've got.

I think I did a better job mixing the red and yellow to make orange, but I need to make the orange line thicker too, because you can barely see it. I will be working on that.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Haunted House Additions

Today I got to work on the haunted house again, and i have managed to get a few more things done on it, such as adding scratches to it. I still need to make the plats look a little less... lively. That could take a while though. Anyways, this is what I've got.