Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Final 3

The last repost. Sorry about the reposting all of that.

Final 2

The second repost.

Final 1

Well turns out i have to label the last 3 posts as finals in order to get credit for them, so I will be reposting them under different names (final part 1, part 2 etc). This would be the first repost.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Color Swirl

Today I worked on another random project, this one being a color swirl. In this project I used two layers, a few different filters, distort-twirl, and the hue/saturation tool to add in the color.

In case you were wondering, the filters I used were render-clouds, pixelate – mezzotint, and blur – radial blur.

Even More Randomness

Just got back from winter break, and I have another screenshot of one of my finished works.

I actually finished this before break started, but what I did was use lens flare to add a light into the center of the picture, then I distorted it, copied it into several layers, and rotated all the layers at different angels. Afterwards I used the hue/saturation tool to change the color of the new image. I believe there was another step, but I don't remember it at the moment. Sorry guys.