Friday, January 31, 2014


One of the things we have looked at in class is the impact of 3D-printing in the U.S. People can design just about anything and create a real life copy of it using a 3D-printer. The things that have been made so far vary from replacement parts for cars to air ducts for airplanes. A 3D printer can make anything so long as you have the materials to make it.

However, the ability to make almost anything is exactly what makes 3D-printing very controversial. With the ability to make almost anything, people can make blueprints for weapons, which could be posted on the internet and fall into the wrong hands.

Despite the fact that 3D-printing can be used for creating controversial things like weapons or weapon parts, it can also be used for medical purposes. Already prototypes for organs and body parts have been made. There have already been prints of hearts and fingers, using the patients cells. Unfortunately, the parts don't work just yet, but researchers plan on getting them to work in the near future.

I'm Back!

Sorry about the inactivity on this website, I haven't really had anything to put on here :(. However, I'm taking a 3D Graphics class now that will allow me to post stuff on here again. Expect there to be a new post on what I'm working on in the near future.