Friday, February 28, 2014

Vocab Review #1

Apparently there is a vocab review that I have to do, and it requires me to define the vocab in my own words and post pictures relating to the vocab, so I'm just going to go ahead and do that now.

Analogous Colors: Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel

Complementary Colors: Colors opposite each other on the color wheel

Primary Colors: Colors on the color wheel that cannot be made using any mixture of colors

Secondary Colors: Colors on the color wheel that are made by mixing two primary colors

Tertiary Colors: Colors on the color wheel that can be made by mixing a secondary color with a primary color.
Symmetry: Something that can be split in half at least one way and be proportionally the same on both sides
Asymmetry: Something that is not proportionally the same no matter how it is split in half.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Working On Robot Sketch

As my title implies, I am currently working on the robot sketch so I have a good idea of what I'm going to make when I start making this in 3D. When I'm finished with the sketch I will scan it and post it here.

Making a Temple in 3D

This is something I did at the beginning of the semester that I forgot to post. Basically I made a temple using basic shapes and classifying them as necessary so that I could easily tell what shapes were a part of a certain part of the temple, and duplicate them around the base of the temple if necessary. I also added a material (blinn) to the temple so it had some color to it instead of being grey. I still need to add stairs to the top of the temple, as well as a decorative part on the top, so I'm not completely done yet.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Reference Pictures for Robot Design

I apologize for not posting anything on Thursday. I was in a competition to get into Skills USA. Anyways, today the class had to come up with concepts for a robot that I assume we will be making in Maya soon, so I got some reference images and I am currently sketching out ideas for the robot. I don't have any sketches at the moment, but I have the reference pictures below.

I feel like I left out a few pictures, so here is the link in case you want to take a look for yourself

Friday, February 14, 2014

Making A 3D Helmet

This is actually something I was working on before I started the wine glass, but that was before I started posting in the blog again. Unfortunately I don't remember many of the steps from before, so I'll only be able to tell you what I did today.

After editing  the mesh of the helmet so that it lined up with the drawing, I had to create the lower part of the helmet using the "Create Polygon Tool" and extrude it so that it matched up roughly with the upper part of the helmet. I'm going to end up connecting the two parts on Thursday, since that's when I have this class again.

Wine Glass Phase Two

The second phase of my wine glass. I actually did this on Wednesday, but I forgot to post my progress here. Sorry about that. Anyways, after I revolved the curve (mentioned in my last post), I had to duplicate the curve and delete the upper half of it so that I could use the bottom part as a guideline for the liquid. I revolved the guideline to make another shape that would end up being the liquid. I assigned a material (blinn) to both of the shapes and made the wine glass shape transparent so you could see the "liquid" inside of it. Afterwards I changed the color of the "liquid" to purple so that I didn't have a grey brick floating around in the wine glass.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Making a 3D Wine Glass

Today I used the program Maya to start making a 3D wine glass. I used the EP Curve Tool to trace the outline of the wine glass, making one line for the bottom of the glass, one for the middle, and one for the top. Afterwards I duplicated the middle-outline and moved it so it matched the inner edge of the wine glass, and I cut off the unnecessary remainder of the outline. After that, I combined the three outlines. I planned on revolving the outline by the end of class today, but the first time I combined the outlines Maya crashed :(.