Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lightsaber Final

This is the last time I post anything this school year. Luckily, I'm posting a lightsaber(Woot!)! I've actually been working on this for a few weeks now, I just didn't post much these last few weeks. Sorry about that. I'm also supposed to be coloring the lightsaber, but I won't have any time.

The reason the lightsaber has different backgrounds is because I set the render settings to mental ray and put a light probe into the image based lighting.

Friday, May 9, 2014

3-Point Lighting Gif

In order to make it even easier for you to see the differences, I made a gif with the three images from my previous post. Here it is:

3-Point Lighting Sea Urchin Repost

Last time I posted the images for my lighting on the sea urchin, I cropped the images horribly, making it difficult to see some of the changes that occurred as the different lights were applied. I did a better job this time as well as removed the text that was on the image. Here'es what it looks like now.




Hope you can see the differences a bit better now.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Calling It A Sea Urchin

So I finally decided to call my random shape a sea urchin (as the title says), and I finished the lighting for it as well. I took screenshots of how the object looks with different lighting as well.

Key Light + Fill Light
Key Light + Fill Light + Backlight

Monday, May 5, 2014

Random Thing Continued

I continued working on the lighting for the... thing... that I made last time. I actually got to rendering it, but I'm still not done. 

On another note, I guess modeling the robot concept is something that I have to wait until I get into Advanced 3D Graphics, because we only have time to do the sketch in this class.