Friday, August 28, 2015

Blogger is Being Wierd

So apparently I'm not allowed to upload images. Not sure what's up with that. I'll get the image for my last post as soon as possible (sadly "as soon as possible" isn't until next week).

Levitating Man

Like a total scrub, I didn't save my work to the drive on my last entry, so I had to start the levitating man project over again. However, this time around I have a few less areas that need work, so this could have been for the better. Here is what I have now.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Levitation Project Idea (We meet again)

As you can conclude from my posting here, I have returned from my summer vacation (as unfortunate as that is ;-;). However, with my return to school comes the start of an interesting project. The starting project this time around is 1)learning how to make someone levitate in Photoshop and 2) brainstorming and creating my own levitation image.

My idea right now is to have myself centered in the image (levitating) with several objects orbiting around me. Hopefully I can use the green room in the class to do this...

In any case, here is what I have so far for the levitating man in Photoshop.