Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Random.... thing...

Today I worked on using cameras to view a subject. I don't exactly know what I'm doing at this point, but this is how far I got.

Sadly enough, that's not very far. Guess I'll have to figure that out later... Anyways, this is supposed to lead me into 3-point lighting, but that requires me to get passed this point.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Finished Helmet

Apparently the helmet was due on Thursday, so I had to rush to finish it. Unfortunately I ran out of time to post it on Thursday to show you guys, but here it is. :D
The one on the right is the low resolution version of the helmet, which has more distinct edges. The one on the left is the high resolution version, which still has the edges, but they aren't as sharp.

As for the images for the video game concept, the scanner is broken, so that will have to wait.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Still Working On Video Game Project

As the time title states, me and my partner Kade are still working on the video game project. We'll have to hurry and finish up our concept too, because we have to present it on Thursday! After we present it, I'll probably post some of the papers here.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Vocab #4

Got another vocab assignment that I have to do, and once again I have to come up with a way to say the definition in my own words and I need pictures to go with it. This time however, I have a larger list of words that I have to work with.

Displacement Mapping: A mapping technique used in computer graphics that uses a texture height map.

Bump Mapping: A mapping technique used in computer graphics that is often used to create bumps or wrinkles on the surface of an object.

Rendering: The use of color and shading to outline an object and make it seem three-dimensional.

Alpha Channel: A mask that decides how colored pixels merge with surrounding colored pixels.

NURBS vs Polygons: NURBS are models used in computer graphics to represent curves and surfaces. Polygons are figures with at least three sides, edges, and vertices . In computer graphics, NURBS have more faces while polygons only have enough faces to create the shape.

Tiling: A way of arranging identical shapes so that they competely cover an area without overlapping.

Skinning: The covering of an object with a "skin".

Aperture: A gap or hole that allows for the passage of light.

Shutter Speed: The amount of time that a shutter is open when taking a picture.

Focal Legnth: The space between a lense and it's focus.

Dolly: The movement of  a camera on a mobile platform.

Pan: The movement of a camera on a vertical or horizontal plane usually used to follow a subject.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Robot Postponed, Video Game Project Started

Sorry that I haven't done any work the last week. I was on Spring Break last week. Anyways, I won't be working on the robot project until sometime next week due to the fact that my teacher assigned a project where you have to make a concept for a video game and present the idea. I'll be working with one of my classmates, Kade, during this time. Check out his website: http://3dgraphicssorensen.blogspot.com