Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Finished Lantern + Game Over Screen

Last class I had a substitute, and currently I'm having some issues with R2D2, so I decided that I would go back to work on the game that I am helping a friend with. As the title implies, I managed to finish the lantern, which had some difficulties rendering since my reference image somehow kept finding itself in the way despite being moved several times.

The image in the back is an HDR image, which is essentially an image sphere that will give the material i used some color to reflect, which reduces the effect of "black light" (basically the same effect as looking at a mirror in a dark room).

As for the game over screen, I downloaded some brush tools to use in Photoshop and used basic text on a black background. Not exactly the best game over screen in the world, but that can always be changed later if we decide to change it.

I feel like I should have used the splatter effects behind the words "Game Over" instead of in front of it, and I feel like there is also too much negative space in the back as well. I'll find out what to do with that later.

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