Friday, September 18, 2015

Adobe Illustrator and New Website

I apologize for not posting here Wednessday and Monday. Monday I literally couldn't get on, and Wednesday I simply forgot. That aside...

I have started a new project as of Wednesday, being the creation of a simple robot using Adobe Illustrator, and I also returned to a two year old project; making a robot in Maya. The Illustrator robot will be updated here, but for the robot in Maya, I will be updating it on a new website: I've got some editing on that website to do before I begin posting, but I should be done with that by next class. While you wait for that to be updated, I'll give you a look into the robot in Illustrator.

As stated earlier, the robot is fairly simple. That said, learning how Illustrator works while making this is a bit interesting,  as it functions differently from photoshop despite having similar digital art tools.

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